Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Can you get Yeast Infection by having sex?

This is a subject, there are a lot of debates about. Yeast infection is not classified as an STD for most of the authorities. There is not evident proof to show that you can get yeast infection by being with an infected partner nor there is any research about the odds. However this does not mean it is perfectly to be in sexual activity while you have yeast infection.

This question is usually asked by men, since yeast infection is known as a women disease. In general the answer is yes. You can get yeast infection too! It is not a women disease at all. Although it is not an STD, it is not safe to participate in sexual activity when one of the partners are infected. Plus it can be very painful for intercourse and provides great discomfort. Your partner can be effected badly psychologically as well.

Your best is not to have sex when you have yeast infection.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Everything About Yeast Infection

Yeast infection in the mouth area is a common illness. It can be very annoying and uncomfortable for the person who has it. The infection is caused by the Candida Albicans the same one that cause vaginal yeast infection. These type of yeast do live in our body naturally. It won't cause any problems until an overgrowth starts.An overgrowth of the yeast causes your natural defences to be compromised. In order to cure this infection you need to learn everything abouth it. The symptoms, causes and of course natural cures.

I will make a quick list, keep on reading and let's see how many questions you'll answer with a "yes".

- If you have difficulty keeping your mouth clean
- If you wear dentures ( ill-fitting dentures)
- If you have diabetes
- If you take prescription steroids
- If you used antibiotics for a long time
- If you take medications that causes a dry mouth
- If you have a weak immune system

These are the most common causes that will lead to mout yeast infection. If you answer even one of those questions with yes, you have the risk of having mout yeast infection.
Mouth yeast infection is usually painless unlike other yeast infections but it will cause an extreme discomfort. Red spots in your mouth are usually the first sign of having mouth candida. It can even spread out to the corners of your lips. Before you even start with the treatments you need to find the cause of your mouth yeast infection. Once you find out why you are going through this, it will be much more easier to choose the best cure for you.

Easy to use and easy to find simple home remedies for mouth yeast infection:

- Mix a few tablespoons of water with a few drops of tea tree oil and use this mixture as a mouth wash. Don't forget to rinse your mouth after you are done. It is important not to digest any of the tea tree oil since it is toxic. Keep using this mouth wash 2 times a day, until you are all clear from this infection.

- The biggest enemy of yeast infection is yogurt. Make sure it is all sugar-free. All you need to do is hold the yogurt in your mouth for at least 5 minutes. Try to do is 2 or 3 times a day.